
0515,  La Taha. Self sufficient hill farm, eco retreat Featured

La Taha, 18414, Spain
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  • Square meter: 83.06 sqmt
  • Habitable: 60.18 sqmt
  • Lot Size: 8448 sqmt
  • Bedroom: 2
  • Bathroom: 2
  • Category: Land, Cortijo

Ref # : 0515

For Sale € 175,000
Off Grid, ecotourism retreat, self sufficient hill farm

Quiere vivir en plena naturaleza? Quiere estar rodeado de tranquilidad y paz en un propiedad Off Grid? Esta propiedad es la suya. Se encuentra en plena montaña de La Taha y está a tan solo a 10-15 minutos andando desde la zona de aparcamiento. Dicha propiedad está rodeada de fuentes naturales y una gran cascada natural, zona de travesía de caminos rurales a pie. Una gran propiedad que cuenta con todo lo necesario para estar aislado pero muy cerca de los principales servicios del pueblo más cercano. Decir de esta propiedad totalmente regularizada que cuenta con entrada independiente y privada con la que tenemos acceso a una gran porche con preciosas vistas a la montaña y al valle. Entrando a la vivienda podemos encontrar una estancia de cocina equipada y pequeña sala de estar, a su derecha un pequeño aseo con plato de ducha y lavabo que cuenta en su pared con un diseño especial realizado con botellas de vidrio. A la izquierda de la estancia principal nos encontramos con una gran habitación destinada a salón donde el propietario tiene adaptado un espacio de noche con cama doble y litera de cama simple. El salón cuenta con chimenea, todo exterior y desde el cual podemos acceder desde ahí al porche principal. En su planta superior se encuentra el gran dormitorio con cama doble, armario e incluso zona de estudio/trabajo y desde el cual accedemos a su gran terraza donde visualizar la naturaleza en vivo e incluso poder ver las diferentes especies de pájaros de la zona.
Saliendo de la vivienda principal, paseando por el porche nos encontramos con una zona de lavado y un gran baño completo con bañera. Podemos seguir paseando por su porche donde tenemos una estancia cubierta donde poder estar a la sombra, tumbados en la hamaca o disfrutar de una bebida respirando y oliendo a naturaleza.
Subiendo, a unos pocos pasos, nos encontramos con lo que actualmente se está utilizado de establo y almacén para herramientas y comida para los caballos.
Esta propiedad cuenta con una yurta totalmente amueblada y equipada con chimenea donde tanto la cubierta como los laterales están en buen estado. Tiene aseo totalmente ecológico y zona de baño separado. En el precio se incluye la yurta al completo, montada y en funcionamiento.

Aproximadamente 8448m2, con muchos olivos (unos 100 árboles jóvenes recién plantados con riego por goteo), almendros, moras, melocotones, peras, manzanas, membrillos, nísperos, nísperos, caqui, fruta de Sharon, feijoa, castañas, nueces, avellanas silvestres. cerezas, limoneros, naranjas, pomelos, granados y muchos otros árboles silvestres: encinas, fresnos, sauces y acacias. El terreno es muy variado con un riachuelo/barranquillo que lo atraviesa y vistas y orientaciones muy diferentes desde sus numerosas terrazas empinadas y de pendiente plana con espectaculares afloramientos rocosos en su flanco oriental. ¡Tiene que ser visto para ser creido!

Do you want to live in the middle of nature? Do you want to be surrounded by tranquility and peace in an Off Grid property? This property is yours. It is located in the middle of the La Taha mountain and is only a 10-15 minute walk from the parking area. This property is surrounded by natural fountains and a large natural waterfall, an area crossed by rural paths on foot. A large property that has everything you need to be isolated but very close to the main services of the nearest town. This fully regularized property has an independent and private entrance with which we have access to a large porch with beautiful views of the mountains and the valley. Entering the house we can find a room with an equipped kitchen and a small living room, to the right a shower room and sink that has a special design made with glass bottles on its wall. To the left of the main room we find a large room used as a living room where the owner has adapted a night space with a double bed and a single bunk bed. The living room has a fireplace, with French doors to the and from which we can access the main porch from there. On the upper floor is the large bedroom with a double bed, wardrobe and even a study/work area and from which we access the large terrace where we can view nature in real life and even be able to see the different species of birds in the area.
Leaving the main house, walking through the porch we find a laundry area and a large bathroom complete with a bathtub. We can continue walking through its porch where we have a covered room where we can be in the shade, lying in the hammock or enjoying a drink while breathing and smelling of nature.
Going up, a few steps away, we find what is currently being used as a stable and storage for tools and food for the horses.
This property has a fully furnished yurt equipped with a fireplace where both the cover and the sides are in good condition. It has a totally ecological toilet and separate bathroom area. The price includes the entire yurt, assembled and in operation.

Approximately 8,448m2, with many olive trees (some 100 newly planted saplings with drip-feed), almonds, mulberries, peach, pears, apples, quinces, medlars, loquats, persimmon, Sharon fruit, feijoa,chestnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, wild cherries, lemon, oranges, grapefruit, pomegranate as well as many other wild trees: holm oaks, ash, willows and acacia. The land is very varied with a rivulet/ barranquillo running through it and very different views and orientations from its many steep and flat-sloped terraces with spectacular rocky-outcrops on its eastern flank. It has to be seen to be believed!


La Taha is a collection of seven villages with its town hall in the largest, Pitres. These historic Moorish villages are all connected by pathways as well as by roads. The administrative capital of the area, Órgiva, is 35 mins away, the historic city of Granada just 95 mins, the coastal beaches of the Costa Tropical 75 mins and the airport at Málaga can be reached in under two hours.


 Income Potential
Self-Catering Potential
Solar Powered
 Land & Gardens
Fenced Plot
Gently Sloping Land
Fruit Trees
Terraced Land
Fully Fitted Kitchen
Wooden Beams
Wood Burning Stove(s)
Acequia Rights For Irrigation
Plenty Of Water
Water Storage On Land
Ready To Move Into
Fully Renovated
Lower running costs (kWH/m)
(< 50) A
(51 To 90) B
(91 To 150) C
(151 To 230) D
(231 To 330) E
(331 To 450) F
( > 451) G
(1 To ) X
Lower CO2 emissions (kg/m)
(< 5) A
(6 To 10) B
(11 To 20) C
(21 To 35) D
(36 To 55) E
(56 To 80) F
( > 81) G
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